Time zones: INDIA @ 7am • SINGAPORE @ 9:30am • USA May 5 @ 6:30pm PT

There are many ways of building generational wealth, like making assertive investments and teaching your children about personal finance. But what you probably don’t know is why it is your social responsibility, right? And believe is, it is.
Mr. Ayyappa Dass K and Dr.h.c. Azeeza Jalaludeen, founders of Our SHINE GoGLOBAL Ltd, Singapore, will be our guides at the special closure of our Know Thyself Online Series. Join us and get inspired for growth.
An event in A NEED of the HOUR - In Support of Business Leaders and Professionals Globally: ReNew-ReJuvenate-ReIgnite Your Mind, Body and Spirit.
A special programme presented by GoGLOBAL Business School™ for Business Leaders and Professionals.
This is one in a series of 12 online events of 2 hours each, twice a week. You can join us for each event individually, or save and register for the full series at a discounted price.