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Dr.h.c.Azeeza Jalaludeen

Dr. h.c.Azeeza Jalaludeen is: Founder of Our SHINE GoGLOBAL Ltd, Singapore and its group of companies, including GoGLOBAL Business School. * Alumni & Ambassador of “Miracles of Capital Network” and Excellerated Business Schools®, Money & You® (1978) * Honorary Doctorate in Global Entrepreneurship Eco-system, Specialisation in Business Networking, from Indian Virtual University for Peace & Education, Registered with United Nations, Geneva. * Director of Asia Operations, International Federation of Professional Trainers (IFPT) Dr. Azeeza specialises in global business alignment, global connections, and has access to many funding platforms and strategies for businesses. While her parents originated from Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu, the Singapore-born and bred is Chinese-educated. She is effectively multilingual in Mandarin, Tamil, Malay and English. Weathering various relationships, financial and health challenges, she realised the importance of personal alignment in both mission...