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Jahabher Nachiya

Jahabher Nachiya is a Mindset coach and a new Conscious Leader on this platform.
An intent and keen listener with a passion to help. I have been blessed to have vast experiences from starting out in Registry Management to having worked and learnt in various areas like Human Resource, Sales, Career Guidance, Training and Finance with more than 10 years of experience in coaching. I love music and long walks that keeps me in touch with nature and the self.
As a coach with counselling background, I will journey with you to discover the unmet and missing element that could bring about clarity in your life journey. I work from my personal experience of growing from invisibility to entity. Lets rid clutter and reap Clarity!
Link with me to for a free 15 minutes connecting session to explore if we are aligned to journey together, to the path of clarity for an elevated quality of life.