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Azidzul Dzailrulhafiq Dzulkharnain

Azidzul is an enthusiast in the Training and Development Industry related to Team Building, Communication and Problem-Solving Skills especially skills needed in the corporate sectors. He acquires diversified experience in intellectual stimulation programmes in training participants from diverse backgrounds. Azidzul started his career in the Banking Industry, building his way to more than 12 years of experience in this field from managing administration, operation, and office management industry to fast-tracking in Leadership and Team Building programmes since year 2015. Azidzul has aided a vast number of employees ranging in industries from Insurance, Manufacturing, IT and students under PIAM (Persatuan Insuran Am Malaysia) to build and spark their inspiration to enhance their work life and self-strength goals.Aside from his hustle and bustle, Azidzul loves to volunteer by contributing back to the community such as delivering talks as a Motivational Speaker at OpenMic act and Berani...